Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 3

Hi Welcome to room 16
We have many special children in our class this year and expect to get some more soon, so here are our lovely children so far. We have some children who started school at the very end of last year and all the others started this year. We are so happy to be growing into a hard working fabulous class.

Week 3

Last week we had a very busy week. We had 2 visits to the Life Education Caravan learning about eating a healthy balanced diet. We watched the Duffy Theater on Thursday and really enjoyed taking part in the singing there. We had our first soccer coaching on Thursday and our second cricket lesson on Friday. We also went to our second junior school assembly on Friday thank you to Room 19 for leading that and took part in our first ever session of Jump Jam. By Friday afternoon we were very tired! What a fun week we had! This week we are hoping to take some photos of us doing soccer and cricket so you can see how much fun we had.
In the classroom we did reading, writing, maths, colouring , painting and cutting. No wonder we were tired.

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